Simple Ivory colorway on this try it out set. When it comes to pacifiers’ nipples no size or shape is right or wrong because all babies are different. Babies have different preferences, different sucking techniques, and different mouth anatomy. Therefore, we offer different pacifiers that meet all these different needs.
Baby Pink colorway on this try it out set. When it comes to pacifiers’ nipples no size or shape is right or wrong because all babies are different. Babies have different preferences, different sucking techniques, and different mouth anatomy. Therefore, we offer different pacifiers that meet all these different needs.
Baby Blue colorway on this try it out set. When it comes to pacifiers’ nipples no size or shape is right or wrong because all babies are different. Babies have different preferences, different sucking techniques, and different mouth anatomy. Therefore, we offer different pacifiers that meet all these different needs.
Soft neutral sage colorway on this try it out set. When it comes to pacifiers’ nipples no size or shape is right or wrong because all babies are different. Babies have different preferences, different sucking techniques, and different mouth anatomy. Therefore, we offer different pacifiers that meet all these different needs.
Little explorers can’t help but get sucked into the sensory excitement of these bendy, rattly, chewy, suction-cup creations!
Their vivid textures instantly inspire little fingers to grab and feel while their soft silicone material simultaneously makes them perfect for soothing sore gums.
Flip and spin the textured, plastic rings to hear them rattle brightly. Press their suction cups onto any smooth, non-porous surface to set up a stationary play space and then pull them off to hear their loud and exciting POP.
They’re sure to become baby’s new favorite toy!